At TRC we understand and appreciate the trust you place in us each time you decide to depend on us. Quality is not an accident.
Our recipe for quality includes the following:
Quality Planning

Starting with information - TRC makes a concerted effort to align ourselves with the premier OE manufacturers in our respective markets. This allows us access to OE specifications, engineering level information and the experts we need to ensure the best available information as an input to our work.
Proper organization and information sharing ensure the information is applied consistently across products. The quality plan lays out rigid metrics against which our results can be measured. Using the latest technology, we continuously train all of our employees to ensure they are up to speed and knowledgeable. From our technicians and counter people to regional sales people—our goal is to be able to solve your issues—not simply sell you a component.
Quality Control

At TRC this refers to the gauging, unique tooling and fixtures that are deployed to allow our technicians to accurately determine if a given component meets our defined quality standards. Over 30 years, we have developed numerous techniques and gauging for the specific products that we remanufacture.
Quality Assurance
The use of statistical analysis and interactive communication on all quality related issues allows for open and honest discussion with the sole purpose to build a better product. Close coordination with our suppliers ensures that theyare applying similar techniques to ensure our raw material is of sufficient quality.
Our Customers Perspective
Autocar Parts and TRC have worked together to develop a comprehensive remanufactured Allison transmission program. We are extremely satisfied with the product quality, responsiveness and ease of administration. Inthe rare event that one of mycustomers had a concern about a reman Allison transmission, TRC was able to remotediagnose and fix the issue immediately. My customer was happy—which makes Autocar Parts happy!
Dan Millar
SR VP Autocar Parts, LLC
Quality Improvement
We employ numerous methods to ensure we are continuously improving the products and process – eliminating mistakes, waste and rework. One of the primary methods we employ is Kaizen. Having completed eight week-long Kaizen events in the last three years have allowed all of our employees to understand the benefits of this methodology. Kaizen (kai = change and zen = wisdom) is an approach to effect positive change on the shop floor while leaving the individuals feeling better about their surroundings and contributions. We have used it to streamline operations, improve quality of output, improve employee safety andreduce customer turn around time.
All units are dynamometer tested to ensure they meet the strictest standards. Company-wide we have 11 electronically controlled dynamometers to ensure a universal standard of quality across products and locations. Testing is based on OEM specs for each unit.

What is the Difference Between Remanufactured and Rebuilt...
Today's fleet equipment is increasingly sophisticated & expensive. It's imperative that the components used in repair are of sufficient quality to return the vehicle to original equipment (OE) performance levels.
Many customers question the difference between remanufactured and rebuilt. An excellent perspective comes from Jim Morrow, former president of Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing Corp. "First of all, let's clarify the difference between a remanufactured transmission and one that is rebuilt. TRC's transmissions are totally remanufactured, returning them to the latest blueprint specifications and tested to original equipment standards," explains Morrow. "The typical rebuilt transmission is only repaired to the level of failure. That means any components beyond this level are left intact. Additionally, testing procedures often vary among individual rebuilders. Having been exposed to TRC's process, I can attest that they have a robust remanufacturing and testing process—they are not a rebuilder"
Jim Morrow
Former President
Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing Corp.